Today, in this tutorial, we will discuss the easiest way to add a table in WordPress Posts or Pages. Here, you will learn how to use tablepress plugin to add tables in WordPress without writing any HTML codes.
Though the default WordPress visual post editor comes with many features, it does not include any option for creating tables. In some cases, tables are very essential to present raw data (e.g.- comparison chart) in an understandable format.
Although you can create tables manually by writing HTML codes, it is not a preferred option for most of the beginner users. Hence we have decided to write a compact tutorial to describe the possibility of adding tables in WordPress posts and pages without writing any HTML or CSS codes manually.
How to Create Tables in WordPress?
First, you need to is install and activate TablePress plugin from the official WordPress plugin directory. If you need help in installing the plugin then follow our guide on managing WordPress Plugins.
Once activated, the plugin will automatically add a TablePress menu item in your WordPress Admin Menu bar.
To create a new table click on "Add New Table" button on the TablePress Menu. This will take you to another screen where you have to provide basic information about the table you want to create.
Here, you have to put a table name and description, choose the number of rows and columns you need etc. Then click on "Add New Table" button. Don’t worry, you can change these information (such as add/remove columns and rows etc) anytime you want.
Now you will be taken to the Edit Table screen. This is the main table editor where you will be able to insert data into your table. You can also add/remove columns or rows as per your requirement. Moreover, all the rows and columns can be rearranged by the drag-n-drop facility. Once you have entered all the data, click on the "save changes" button to save the table.
In this main editor, you will also have options to insert images, link etc in your table. You will also have multiple options to improve the visuals and functions of that table. You may or may not use all those features based on your preferences.
How to Add Tables in WordPress Posts and Pages?
As we have already created a table, it’s now time to add that table to WordPress Posts or pages.
If you are using the visual editor, it becomes very easy to add the table in the post.
Just create or open the post/page you want to add that table to. On the menu of the visual editor, you will see a table icon to insert a table from TablePress. Clicking that button will open a pop-up window showing all the existing tables you have created.
Now, press the respective "Insert Shortcode" button for the table you want to add in the post. The shortcode for the table will be added automatically.
If for any reason you do not use the visual editor, then you have to insert the shortcode manually.
Click on the "All Tables" button from the TablePress menu item. It will take you to a screen showing the list of tables you have created. Hover over your mouse pointer to any of the tables you want to add and click on the "Show Shortcode" button.
This will open a pop-up window showing the table shortcode. Just, copy that shortcode and paste it in the place where you want to insert the table.
That’s it. You have successfully created and added your first table in your WordPress posts without writing a single line of HTML or CSS codes.
The actual table will look like just as below:
This plugin also has the ability to import or export data from/to a csv file, json file, an HTML table and json formats. Also, there are many extensions available for this plugin which can add more functionality to this plugin's behavior. Such as, make the table mobile responsive, including search functions, sorting functions etc. For more usage instructions on this, you may visit the official TablePress website to read the TablePress Documentation.
We hope that you have enjoyed the above article describing how to create and add tables in WordPress posts or pages. Be with us to explore free training on Leading Technologies and Certifications.
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